CALL FOR ARTISTS- Havre de Grace Plein Air Painting Competition 2009 page 1 of 3
The Third Annual Plein Air Painting Competition - Havre de Grace, Maryland! Sept 30- Oct 3, 2009
Sponsored by ArtUnion to benefit Soroptimist International of Havre de Grace and ArtUnion in the historic
water view city of Havre de Grace, Maryland, where the Susquehanna River meets the headwaters of the
Chesapeake Bay. Approximately $10,000 in prizes • Gala Preview Saturday eve Oct 3 • Exhibition/sale Sunday,
October 4- 31, 2009 Exhibit Location: ArtUnion, 214 N. Union Avenue, Havre de Grace, MD 21078
APPLICATION DEADLINE: August 15, 2009 Application fee (non refundable): $40/3 DIGITAL IMAGES
ArtUnion retains 40% commission on works sold / 60% to artist. Payout to artist is 30 days from date of sale of
artwork. Submit application information with attached jpgs via email or send this
application and CD to: HdG PLEIN AIR PAINTING COMPETITION, P.O. Box 653, Havre de Grace, MD 21078
For further info, contact: 410-939-9342 or email
Entry Juror: Jacqueline Baldini, Niagara Falls, Ontario Canada
J.Baldini is Executive Director and Founder of International Plein Air Painters. She is a Plein Air Painter as well
as Master Photographer. She is a member of International Plein Air Painters, The Professional Photographers
of America, American Society of Photographers. Her paintings are part of private and public collections in the
US, Mexico, the Caribbean, Canada and Europe. She conducts Plein Air Painting Art Workshops in Niagara
Falls,Ontario , Niagara Falls, USA, St. Lucia, West Indies and Monhegan Island, Maine. The recipient of numerous
international awards, Jacqueline’s work has also appeared in many publications including The Artists
Sketchbook Magazine by The Artists Magazine,The Artists Magazine, American Artist Magazine, Plein Air
Magazine, Esquire Magazine, Plein Air Magazine, Country Living Magazine and Fine Art Connoisseur.
Awards Judge: TBA
About the Exhibition: This juried competition and exhibition(rain or shine) sponsored by ArtUnion.
All proceeds will benefit SI of Havre de Grace for scholarships and community service projects and ArtUnion
to support and promote the Arts. If accepted, submitted samples, images taken during the competition and
finished competition paintings may be used by ArtUnion for use in the media and for future use in Plein Air
Painting Competitions promotional materials, some of which may be sold to the public without compensation
to the artist.
The competition will run from September 30- October 3 with exhibit October 3-31. Artist registration and canvas
stamping Tuesday evening, September 29, 2009 at Tydings Memorial Park and Preview Gala evening,
October 3rd. Artists must be present for Gala Preview. Artists may paint anywhere in Havre de Grace area,
September 30- October 3, 2009. Possible scenes include tree lined streets, historic structures, quaint downtown,
Concord Point Lighthouse, Lock House, bridges, riverside promenade, Susquehanna River, headwaters of the
Chesapeake Bay and marine subjects.
Artists must turn in two completed, framed and ready to be hung artwork. Any two-dimensional medium is
acceptable, but work must be done "en plein air" without the assistance of photography.
Sale and exhibit will start with the Preview Gala and run through Saturday October 31 at 5 pm.
Artists must pick up work that is not sold at the end of the exhibition or make arrangements for shipping at cost
of the artist.
To apply to the competition artists must submit 3 digital images of their original plein air work completed in the
past two years along with a fee of $40. Checks made out to ArtUnion. Retruned check fee is $25.
Send submissions via mail to P.O. Box 653, Havre de Grace, MD 21078 or email to
Awards: Cash Awards will total approx $10,000. The First Place Award will be $3,000, the Second Place
Award will be $2,000, Third Place will be $1,000 and the remainder will be distributed among Awards of Merit
and various named awards. Award amounts may be changed at the discretion of ArtUnion.
CALL FOR ARTISTS- Havre de Grace Plein Air Painting Competition 2009 page 2 of 3
August 15- Application deadline-ALL ENTRIES MUST ARRIVE BY August 15, 2009
P.O. Box 653, Havre de Grace, Maryland 21078 c/o Cindy Height email:
August 30 - notification is sent no later than to accepted or rejected artists via US mail or e-mail
September 29 - artists arrive and register at Tydings Memorial Park, if unable to arrive unitl Sept 30 other
arrangements may be made to stamp canvas.
September 30-October 3 - artists paint anywhere in Havre de Grace
October 3 - noon-2pm - Two finished & framed paintings delivered to ArtUnion, 214 North Union Avenue,
Havre de Grace, MD 21078.
Artists who have sold work are invited to replace paintings with other framed pieces.
Replacement paintings are welcome at time of deliver of work to be judged in competition
and will be held separately.
The cost of shipping and insurance of artwork return to the artist is the sole responsibility of the artist.
All reasonable precautions will be taken to ensure the safety and careful handling of the artwork.
ArtUnion, the sponsors, or representaives thereof and the City of Havre de Grace, and Harford County
are not responsible for personal injuries, loss or damage to my property.
October 3 eve - Opening Preview Gala exact time and location TBA.
Presentation of Plein Air Painting Competition Awards will take place at Gala Preview.
Competing painters must be present at Gala Preview.
October 3-31 - Plein Air Exhibit and Sale open to public
Housing available to artists by local residents, please inquire if interested after acceptance.